So let say you have a pytorch tensor on cuda and you want to share it between nodes.
Good news is that you can do it without copying the data using CUDA 0 Copy IPC.
To use this feature, make sure to have the following requirements:
# Install pyarrow with gpu support
conda install pyarrow "arrow-cpp-proc=*=cuda" -c conda-forge
## Test installation with
python -c "import pyarrow.cuda"
# Install numba for translation from arrow to torch
pip install numba
## Test installation with
python -c "import numba.cuda"
# Install torch if it's not already present
pip install torch
## Test installation with
python -c "import torch; assert torch.cuda.is_available()"
Sending data
To create an IPC handle that is going to be sent between process, do the following:
import torch
from dora.cuda import torch_to_ipc_buffer
torch_tensor = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int64, device="cuda")
ipc_buffer, metadata = torch_to_ipc_buffer(torch_tensor)
node.send_output("latency", ipc_buffer, metadata)
Receiving data
import pyarrow as pa
from dora import Node
from dora.cuda import ipc_buffer_to_ipc_handle, cudabuffer_to_torch
ctx = pa.cuda.context()
node = Node()
event = # Get an event with a torch handle
ipc_handle = ipc_buffer_to_ipc_handle(event["value"])
cudabuffer = ctx.open_ipc_buffer(ipc_handle)
torch_tensor = cudabuffer_to_torch(cudabuffer, event["metadata"]) # on cuda